How to Make $10K a Month Selling Digital Products

How to Make $10K a Month Selling Digital Products: A Guide for Aspiring Etsy Sellers

Discover how to make $10K a month selling digital products like PLR digital planners, Notion templates, and courses on Etsy. Get actionable tips to boost your passive income with high-quality PLR products from PLR Supply.


Hey there! If you're a mom, a female entrepreneur, or someone looking to make money online, you're in the right place. Selling digital products is one of the best ways to earn a substantial income with flexibility and creativity. Today, we'll dive into how you can make $10K a month selling digital products, particularly PLR (Private Label Rights) digital products, on Etsy. By the end of this post, you'll have a solid understanding of how to leverage PLR digital planners, Notion templates, and courses to create a profitable online business. So, let’s get started!

What are PLR Digital Products?

PLR digital products are pre-made content that you can rebrand, modify, and resell as your own. These products range from eBooks and courses to digital planners and Notion templates. PLR products come with a license that gives you the rights to make these changes and sell the product under your brand. This is a fantastic way to save time and effort while still offering high-quality products to your customers.

Why Sell PLR Digital Products on Etsy?

Etsy is an incredible platform for selling digital products because it attracts a large audience looking for unique and creative items. Here’s why Etsy is perfect for your PLR digital products:

  • Established Marketplace: Etsy has millions of active buyers looking for digital products.
  • User-Friendly: It's easy to set up and manage your shop.
  • Affordable: Etsy's fees are relatively low, making it accessible for new sellers.
  • Trust Factor: Etsy's reputation can help build trust with potential customers.

Steps to Make $10K a Month Selling Digital Products on Etsy

1. Choose High-Quality PLR Products

Start by selecting high-quality PLR digital products from PLR Supply. Our products include digital planners, Notion templates, and courses that are perfect for reselling on Etsy. Choosing the right products is crucial because quality is key to customer satisfaction and repeat business.

Call to Action: Ready to start your Etsy business? Shop high-quality PLR digital products at PLR Supply today!

2. Customize Your PLR Products

To stand out on Etsy, you need to customize your PLR products. Here’s how:

  • Cover Design: Create unique and attractive covers using tools like Canva or Adobe Illustrator.
  • Content Enhancement: Update and enhance the content to reflect your brand’s voice. Add your unique insights, additional tips, or updated information.
  • Branding: Incorporate your logo, color scheme, and other branding elements to create a cohesive look across all your products.

3. Set Up Your Etsy Shop

Creating your Etsy shop is easy. Follow these steps to get started:

  • Create an Account: Sign up for an Etsy account and start your shop.
  • Shop Name: Choose a catchy and memorable shop name that reflects your brand and products.
  • Shop Policies: Set up clear policies regarding shipping, returns, and customer service.
  • Product Listings: Create detailed and SEO-optimized listings for each product. Use high-quality images, engaging descriptions, and relevant keywords.

Call to Action: Want to create unique digital products? Check out our customizable PLR digital products at PLR Supply!

4. Optimize Your Listings for SEO

Optimizing your listings for Etsy’s search engine is essential to attract more buyers. Here are some tips:

  • Keyword Research: Use tools like Marmalead or Etsy’s search bar to find relevant keywords.
  • Title Optimization: Include primary and secondary keywords in your product titles. For example, “Editable PLR Digital Planners for Moms | Printable & Reusable”.
  • Tags and Categories: Utilize all available tags and select the most relevant categories.
  • Descriptions: Write engaging descriptions that highlight the benefits and features of your products. Incorporate keywords naturally.

5. Promote Your Etsy Shop

Marketing is crucial to driving traffic and sales. Here are some effective strategies:

  • Pinterest Marketing: Pinterest is a powerful tool for promoting digital products. Create visually appealing pins that link back to your Etsy shop. Use keywords and hashtags to increase visibility.
  • Social Media: Use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to showcase your products. Share customer testimonials, behind-the-scenes content, and promotions.
  • Content Marketing: Start a blog or YouTube channel to provide valuable content related to your products. This can help establish your authority and drive traffic to your shop.
  • Email Marketing: Build an email list and send regular newsletters with updates, promotions, and tips.

Call to Action: Elevate your Etsy shop with our premium PLR digital products! Visit PLR Supply now!

6. Leverage Master Resell Rights

Master resell rights (MRR) allow you to sell the product and the rights to resell it. This can attract more buyers and generate additional income streams. Consider offering MRR for some of your PLR products to maximize your revenue.

7. Monitor and Adjust Your Strategy

Regularly review your shop’s performance using Etsy’s analytics tools. Keep an eye on key metrics like views, sales, and conversion rates. Use this data to adjust your strategy and improve your results continuously.

Types of PLR Digital Products to Sell on Etsy

Digital Planners

Digital planners are incredibly popular among moms, students, and professionals. They help users organize their schedules, set goals, and stay productive. Customize and sell various digital planners, such as daily planners, meal planners, and fitness planners.

PLR Notion Templates

Notion is a versatile productivity tool used by individuals and teams. PLR Notion templates can include project management layouts, personal trackers, and business planning tools. These templates are in high demand due to their practicality and ease of use.

PLR Courses

Online courses are a fantastic way to share knowledge and provide value to your audience. Create and sell PLR courses on topics like productivity, digital marketing, and personal development. Customize the content to make it unique and engaging.

Call to Action: Start your successful Etsy business with our wide range of PLR digital products. Shop now at PLR Supply!

Success Stories and Tips from Top Etsy Sellers

Focus on Niche Markets

Successful Etsy sellers often focus on niche markets to attract a dedicated audience. Identify a specific niche within the broader market of digital products, such as planners for homeschooling moms or Notion templates for small business owners.

Offer Exceptional Customer Service

Providing excellent customer service can lead to positive reviews and repeat business. Respond promptly to customer inquiries, address issues professionally, and go the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction.

Utilize Bundles and Promotions

Offering product bundles and promotions can increase your average order value. Create bundles of related products, such as a set of digital planners and Notion templates, and offer discounts to incentivize purchases.

Continuously Improve and Innovate

Stay ahead of the competition by continuously improving your products and introducing new items. Keep an eye on market trends and customer feedback to identify areas for improvement and innovation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I start selling digital products on Etsy? Start by creating an Etsy account and setting up your shop. Choose a niche, customize your PLR products, and create optimized listings. Promote your shop through various marketing channels to drive traffic and sales.

What types of PLR digital products are best for Etsy? Digital planners, Notion templates, and online courses are highly popular on Etsy. These products cater to various needs and can be easily customized and rebranded.

How can I make my PLR products stand out on Etsy? Customize the design and content of your PLR products to reflect your brand. Use high-quality images, write engaging descriptions, and optimize your listings for SEO. Promote your products through social media and other marketing channels.

How do I price my digital products on Etsy? Research similar products on Etsy to determine competitive pricing. Consider the value you’re offering and the time spent on customization. Offer discounts and bundles to attract more buyers.

What are the benefits of selling PLR products with master resell rights? Master resell rights allow you to sell the product and the rights to resell it, creating additional income streams. This can attract more buyers and increase your revenue potential.

How can I drive more traffic to my Etsy shop? Utilize Pinterest, social media, content marketing, and email marketing to promote your Etsy shop. Engage with your audience and offer valuable content to attract and retain customers.


Making $10K a month selling digital products is an attainable goal with the right strategy and dedication. By leveraging high-quality PLR digital products from PLR Supply, you can save time, reduce effort, and focus on growing your business. Customize and optimize your products, utilize effective marketing strategies, and continuously improve to achieve success. Start your journey today and transform your passion into a profitable online business!

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